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Field - configure param

In utype, Field is used to configure dataclass attributes and function parameters to control their behavior. In this document, we will explain its usage in detail.

Optional and default

Declaring whether a field is optional and specifying the default value of the field is the most commonly used field configuration, even if you do not use Field, for example

from utype import Schema, parse

class UserSchema(Schema):
    name: str
    age: int = 0

def init_user(name: str, age: int = 0): pass
Using the native Python syntax, if you assign a default value for a param/attribute, then you are making it optional, if input data does not contains such param, it will populate the default value, such as

  1. name: no default value provided, an exc.AbsenceError error is thrown if it does not appear in the input data
  2. age: a default value of 0 has been specified, which makes it optional, the default value is automatically populated when no data is provided.

However, to coordinate with other field configuration parameters, Field also provides optional and default configuration parameters, including

  • required: specify whether the field must be passed. The default is True. You can use required=False to declare an optional field
  • default: pass in the default value of the field, which will be used as the value of the field when it is not provided in the input data

So the following is equivalent to the above example.

from utype import Schema, Field, parse

class UserSchema(Schema):
    name: str = Field(required=True)  # or Field()
    age: int = Field(default=0)

def init_user(
    name: str = Field(required=True), # or Field()
    age: int = Field(default=0)

In addition, Field provides some advanced configuration of default values.

  • default_factory: given a factory function that makes a default value, it will be called at parse time to get the default value.
    from utype import Schema, Field
    from datetime import datetime
    class InfoSchema(Schema):
        metadata: dict = Field(default_factory=dict)
        current_time: datetime = Field(

In the example 1. When your default type is dict, list set, etc., you should not want the default to be shared by all instances, so you can just use their type as the factory function that makes the default. For example, the field metadata in the example will be called dict() to get an empty dictionary by default. 2. You need to get the default value dynamically at the time of parsing, for example, the current_time in the example will be called to get the current time by default.

  • defer_default: if enabled, the default value will not be populated as part of the data when no data is entered, but will only be evaluated when the default attribute is accessed.
    from utype import Schema, Field
    from datetime import datetime
    class InfoSchema(Schema):
        metadata: dict = Field(default_factory=dict, defer_default=True)
        current_time: datetime = Field(
    info = InfoSchema()   # no fields provided
    print('metadata' in info)
    # > False
    print('current_time' in info)
    # > True

As you can see, when specified defer_default=True, the default value is not directly populated at parse time, so the default 'metadata' field in the example does not appear in the data, but when this property is accessed, it triggers the calculation of the default value. so unprovided data can be accessed through the attribute.

It should be noted that when you specify default_factory and the data is default, a new object will be generated every time you access it, so your direct operation on the attribute object will not be reflected in the data, unless you assign the attribute first and then operate it, such as

print(info.metadata)   # just generated a new one
# > {}

info.metadata = {'version': 3}   # set a value, so no default will be used
# > {'version': 3, 'key': 'value'}


defer_default only works for dataclass, and is invalid for function, because function params need to provide a value when calling, so it will be directly passed with default value

Function parameters

For function parameters, it is more convenient to use Param, a subclass of the Field class provided by utype, to declare them, where default is the first parameter of the Param class, If no default value is declared (no default or default_factory), it will be regarded as a required parameter, such as

from utype import Param, parse

def init_user(
    name: str = Param(),
    age: int = Param(0)

Unstable field

If your field is optional ( required=False ) and no default value is specified, then the field is an unstable field, because when the field is not passed in, if you access the property of the field, it will throw an AttributeError, and if you use the key to access the field, it will also throw KeyError, such as

from utype import Schema, Field

class UserSchema(Schema):
    name: str 
    age: int = Field(required=False)

user = UserSchema(name='test')
# > UserSchema(name='test')

except AttributeError as e:
    UserSchema: 'age' not provided in schema instance

except KeyError as e:
    KeyError: 'age'


You cannot declare such field in the function, for optional fields, you must specify a default value


Field also supports to configure constraints for types, where the parameters are the same as the built-in constraints in Rule, as shown in

from utype import Schema, Field  

class ArticleSchema(Schema):  
    slug: str = Field(regex=r"[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*") 
    title: str = Field(min_length=1, max_length=50) 
    views: int = Field(ge=0, default=0)  

For more complete constraint parameters and usage, you can refer to Rule API References directly. Field just declares the built-in constraints in Rule by instantiating the parameters.


In common practice, if your constrants will be reused by many fields, it is recommended to use constrained type by inheriting Rule, otherwise you can declare them in the Field

Field also provides shortcut for some common built-in constraint declarations, such as * round: provides a decimal_places=Lax(value) shortcut, which is used to directly use the Python round() method to preserve the corresponding decimal places of the data, such as

from utype import Schema, Field  

class Index(Schema):
    ratio: float = Field(round=2)

index = Index(ratio='12.3456')
# 12.35

Alias configuration

By default, utype takes the name of a class attribute or a function parameter as the name of a field. You can only use a consistent name for input to be recognized as the corresponding field for parsing. However, this may not meet your naming requirements in certain cases, such as

  1. The field name does not conform to the field’s admission rules, such as starting with an underscore ('_')
  2. Fields cannot be declared as Python variable names, such as contains special characters or being a Python syntax keyword
  3. Field name is a duplicate of an internal method of the current dataclass or a parent class

So utype provides aliases configuration in Field, including

  • alias: specifies an alias for the field. An alias can be used to represent the field in the input, such as
    from utype import Schema, Field  
    class AliasSchema(Schema):
        seg_key: str = Field(alias='__key__')
        at_param: int = Field(alias='@param')
        item_list: list = Field(alias='items')
    data = {
        '__key__': 'value',
        'items': [1, 2], 
        '@param': 3
    inst = AliasSchema(**data)
    # > AliasSchema(seg_key='value', at_param=3, item_list=[1, 2])
  • seg_key: the name __key__ of a data field contains a double underscore and is not recognized as a field
  • at_param: the name @param of a data field contains special characters and cannot be declared as a variable in Python.
  • item_list: the name items of the data field is an inherent method of the dict and cannot be directly used as the field property name of the Schema dataclass.

In the instance, you can still access the value of the field using the corresponding attribute name, and in the dataclass, alias is also the name of the output field by default.

# > [1, 2]
# > 3
# > {'__key__': 'value', '@param': 3, 'items': [1, 2]}

Also, even if the field is declared as an alias, you can still enter data through the field’s property name.

attr_inst = AliasSchema(seg_key='value', item_list=[1, 2], at_param=3)
# > {'__key__': 'value', '@param': 3, 'items': [1, 2]}

In addition to using to alias specify a single alias, utype provides a way to specify multiple input aliases

  • alias_from: specifies a list of aliases from which you can convert, such as
    from utype import Schema, Field  
    from datetime import datetime
    class Article(Schema):
        slug: str
        content: str = Field(alias_from=['text', 'body'])
        created_at: datetime = Field(
            alias_from=['created_time', 'added_time']
    article = Article(**{
        'slug': 'my-article',
        'body': 'article content',
        'created_time': '2022-03-04 10:11:12'
    print('created_at' in article)
    # > True
    print('added_time' in article)
    # > True
    # {
    # 'slug': 'my-article', 
    # 'content': 'article content', 
    # 'createdAt': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12)
    # }

In the example, we have specified multiple input aliases for content, created_at, which can be used to be compatible with the old version of the API, or to access data APIs from different sources. There is no need to manually identify and convert one by one.

For example, the old version of the article content field name is 'body' or 'text', which is obsolete in the current version and used 'content' as the name of the content field, so it is used Field(alias_from=['text', 'body']) to be compatible with the old version requests.

As you can see, alias_from the specified input is used only to identify the input data, not for output or attribute access, but can be used to determine whether the field is in the data


In the same dataclass or function, the aliases of the fields cannot overlap, or conflict with attribute names of other fields, so that no matter which name the input use, dataclass and function can always recognize and parse correctly and stay idempotent in multiple conversions

Alias generation function

If your alias can be generated from the attribute name with a certain regularity, you can directly specify a function to generate the alias, such as

from utype import Schema, Field  
from datetime import datetime

def pascal_case(name: str):
    return "".join(name.capitalize() for word in name.split('_'))

class Article(Schema):
    slug: str = Field(alias=pascal_case)
    liked_num: int = Field(alias=pascal_case)
    created_at: datetime = Field(
        alias_from=[pascal_case, 'created_time'],

article = Article(**{
    'Slug': 'my-article',
    'liked_num': '3',
    'CreatedAt': '2022-03-04 10:11:12'
# > Article(slug='my-article', liked_num=3, created_at=datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12))

# {
# 'slug': 'my-article', 
# 'LikedNum': 3, 
# 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12)
# }

We wrote a generating function pascal_case to generate the PascalCase names, such as 'CreatedAt' for 'created_at', and the function can be passed in to alias or alias_from. so that the corresponding alias can be generated directly from the attribute name

Case insensitive

Field recognition is case-sensitive by default, but you can adjust this behavior by turning on the following parameter

  • case_insensitive: False by default,wWhen enabled, the field can be identified in a case-insensitive manner, such as
from utype import Schema, Field  
from datetime import datetime

class Article(Schema):
    slug: str = Field(case_insensitive=True)
    liked_num: int = Field(case_insensitive=True)
    created_at: datetime = Field(

article = Article(**{
    'SLUG': 'my-article',
    'LIKED_num': '3',
    'CREATED_time': '2022-03-04 10:11:12'
# > Article(slug='my-article', liked_num=3, created_at=datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12))

print('created_time' in article)
# > True

print('CREATED_AT' in article)
# > True

# {
# 'slug': 'my-article', 
# 'LikedNum': 3, 
# 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12)
# }

Case-insensitive configuration applies to all field aliases, including attribute names, alias and alias_from, so any alias you enter using any case will be recognized

Moreover, it can be seen that the case-insensitive configuration also supports key access and field inclusion ( in ) recognition, which will be recognized and mapped to the 'created_at' field by Schema when used 'CREATED_AT' in article.


If you are going to make the whole dataclass/function case-insensitive, you can directly use Options(case_insensitive=True). for specific usage, you can refer to Options API References

Description and marks

Field provides some descriptive and marked parameters, which will not affect the parsing, but can more clearly describe the purpose of the field, examples, etc., and can be integrated into the generated API document (JSON-schema / OpenAPI), such as

  • title: pass in a string to specify the title of the field (not related to the name or alias, just for description purposes)
  • description: passe in a string to describe the purpose or usage of the field.
  • example: give a sample of data for this field
from utype import Schema, Field  

class ArticleSchema(Schema):  
    slug: str = Field(  
        title='Article Slug',
        description='the url route of an article',
    content: str = Field(description='the content of an article')  

In addition, Field provides some useful tag fields.

  • deprecated: whether the field is deprecated (not encouraged to be used). The default is False.

The deprecation flag deprecated can be used for fields that are compatible with older versions and gives a deprecation prompt. Examples are as follows

from utype import Schema, Field  

class RequestSchema(Schema):  
    url: str  

    query: dict = Field(default=None)  
    querystring: dict = Field(  
        description='"query" is prefered'  

    data: bytes = Field(default=None)  
    body: bytes = Field(default=None, deprecated='data')  

    def __validate__(self):  
        if self.querystring:  
            self.query = self.querystring  
            del self.querystring  
        if self.body:  
   = self.body  
            del self.body

old_data = {  
    'url': '',  
    'querystring': {'key': 'value'},  
    'body': b'binary'  
request = RequestSchema(**old_data)
# DeprecationWarning: 'querystring' is deprecated
# DeprecationWarning: 'body' is deprecated, use 'data' instead

# > RequestSchema(url='', query={'key': 'value'}, data=b'binary')

In our example, we declared a data class called RequestSchema that supports both deprecated old-version fields querystring, body and new-version query and data fields. A DeprecatedWarning is given when the input data contains deprecated fields

In __validate__ function of dataclass, we manually convert the deprecated fields to the new version. Although you can also use alias_from to do so, this method in the example provides more control. For example, this method can be used when the data of the new and old versions may use different encoding methods or parsing rules and need to be processed by user-defined logic.

Input and output

Field also provides configuration to regulate the input and output behavior of data at the field level. In utype, input and output represent:

  • Input: initialize the dataclass, or call a function to pass parameters.
  • Output: the actual data used in serialization or param-passing refers to its own dictionary data for the Schema class, and the data exported by using __export__ for other dataclasses.

Where the control parameters of input is

  • no_input: specifies whether the field cannot be input. The default is False.

For no_input=True, the field cannot be input to the data, but it can be populated default or default_factory, or assigned by an attribute in the dataclass, for example

from utype import Schema, Field
from datetime import datetime

class ArticleSchema(Schema):  
    slug: str = Field(no_input=True)
    title: str
    updated_at: datetime = Field(, no_input=True)

    def __validate__(self):
        print('slug' in self)
        # > False
        self.slug = '-'.join([''.join(filter(str.isalnum, v))  
                               for v in self.title.split()]).lower()

article = ArticleSchema(title='My Awesome Article', slug='ignored')
# > ArticleSchema(title='My Awesome Article', updated_at=datetime.datetime(...), slug='my-awesome-article')

We can see

  1. The slug field i the example specified no_input=True, so even if 'slug' the field appears in the input data, it will be ignored. In the __validate__ function after initialization, we assigned the slug field, so it will show up in the results.
  2. The update_at field in the example does not accept data input, but will use default_factory to fill the current time when the data class is initialized, and this field can be output normally, which means that subsequent operations (such as updating data to the database) will be performed together with other output fields.


If you need not only to disable the input, but also disable the attribute assignment, you can use Field(no_input=True, immutable=True), in this case only default value will be populated

In contrast, the parameters that control the output behavior of the field are

  • no_output: specifies whether the field cannot be output. The default is False.

Although the no_output=True field does not used for data output, it can be accessed using attribute accessing, which can be used as dependent values for computing other data, such as

from utype import Schema, Field  
from datetime import datetime  

class KeyInfo(Schema):  
    access_key: str = Field(no_output=True)  
    last_activity: datetime = Field(, no_input=True)  

    def key_sketch(self) -> str:  
        return self.access_key[:5] + '*' * (len(self.access_key) - 5)

info = KeyInfo(access_key='QWERTYUIOP')
print('access_key' in info)
# > False
# > {'last_activity': datetime.datetime(...), 'key_sketch': 'QWERT*****'}

In this example, we declare a no_output=True field access_key, which will not output, but can be accessed by using the attribute name, so that the key_sketch attribute can be calculated, which is a common key semi-hidden scenario. The key field itself ( access_key ) is not output, only the processed result ( key_sketch ) is outputed


The "output" concepts only applies to dataclass, so using no_output=True in function params has no meaning

By function

no_input And no_output parameters can be passed in a function that dynamically determines whether to accept input or output based on the value of the field.

from utype import Schema, Field  
from typing import Optional

class ArticleSchema(Schema):
    title: Optional[str] = Field(no_output=lambda v: v is None)
    content: str = Field(no_input=lambda v: not v)

article = ArticleSchema(title=None, content='test')

assert article.title is None  # True
print('title' in article)
# > False

print('content' in article)
# > True

article.title = 'My title'
print('title' in article)
# > True

# > {'content': 'test', 'title': 'My title'}

In the example, we specify a function in the no_output parameter for title , indicating that if the input is None, it will not be output, so in the example, when the dataclass is just initialized, 'title' is not in the data (although you can access it using the attribute); content specifies that it will not input when the value is empty, so it remains in the data when a non-empty value is passed in.


In Schema, "output" means the data in the dict structure, because you can get it by using dict(inst), passing to function using func(**inst), or use json.dumps(inst) to get the JSON output If a field is no_output but accept input, then you can access the value through attribute, but it will not show up in the result of dict(inst)

Mode configuration

utype supports a more advanced “mode configuration” feature that allows the same field to behave differently in different “modes”. For example, if we need a field to be “read-only”, we actually only need it to support input and output in “read mode”

Let’s look at an example.

from utype import Schema, Field
from datetime import datetime

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str
    password: str = Field(writeonly=True)
    signup_time: datetime = Field(readonly=True)

In our example, we declared a UserSchema dataclass that has

  1. username: has no mode declaration and can be used in any mode
  2. password: declared writeonly=True, which means that it is only used for Write mode, not for reading.
  3. signup_time: declated readonly=True, which means that it is only used for Read mode, not for updates.

The mechanism provided by utype allows you to declare a single dataclass that behaves differently in different schemas. Field provides several parameters for specifying the modes supported by the field.

  • mode: specifies a mode string in which each character represents a supported mode. For example mode='rw' represents 'r' and 'w' modes, the default is null, which means the field supports all modes.
  • readonly: is a shortcut for mode='r'
  • writeonly: is a shortcut for mode='w'


Since readonly and writeonly are only shortcuts for mode, only one of these params can be specified

Commonly used modes and corresponding meanings are as follow

  1. 'r': Read/Query/Retrieve operations that do not affect the system state, such as reading the data from database through SQL and converting it into a Schema instance for return.
  2. 'w': Write/Update mode is often used to update the resources of the system, such as converting the data in the HTTP request body into a Schema instance and updating the target resources.
  3. 'a': Append/Create mode, add a new resource to the system, for example, convert the data in the HTTP request body into a Schema instance and create a new corresponding resource in the system

!!! note “Distinguish readonly / immutablereadonly is a mode shortcut for mode='r', which means only support input and output in 'r' mode, thus does not control the "immutability" in the instance, such feature is controlled by immutable, irrelevant to modes

How mode is used

Although we see the common modes, it is actually up to you to specify and use the mode. We can look at a few examples to understand how to use the mode.

In these examples, we use the 'r'/ 'w'/ 'a' mode to illustrate a typical user class data read/update/create scenario

Inherit with different modes

Options also support mode paramete to specify the mode used by the current dataclass or function, so you can specify different parsing options to provide sub-dataclasses in different modes by inheriting dataclasses, such as

from utype import Schema, Field, Options
from datetime import datetime

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str
    password: str = Field(mode='wa')
    followers_num: int = Field(readonly=True)  # or mode='r'
    signup_time: datetime = Field(

class UserRead(UserSchema):
    __options__ = Options(mode='r')

class UserUpdate(UserSchema):
    __options__ = Options(mode='w')

class UserCreate(UserSchema):
    __options__ = Options(mode='a')

In UserSchema, we specified the follow fields

  • username: no mode is specified, indicating that input and output can be performed in any modes.
  • password: specified mode='wa', indicating input and output only in 'w' mode and 'a' mode
  • followers_num: the number of followers of the user. specified readonly=True, indicates that only reading is supported, and creating or updating is not supported.
  • signup_time: user’s registration time field, specified mode='ra', indicates that only read and create modes are supported, and ispecified no_input='a', that is, no input is accepted in create mode, and the current time is directly calculated by using default_factory the function in as the registration time of the new user.

Let’s look at how the schema configuration is reflected in the data parsing.

user_updated_data = {  
    'username': 'new-username',  
    'password': 'new-password',  
    'followers_num': '3',  
    'signup_time': '2022-03-04 10:11:12',  
updated_user = UserUpdate(**user_updated_data)
# > UserUpdate(username='new-username', password='new-password')

updated_user.followers_num = 3  # will not work
# > UserUpdate(username='new-username', password='new-password')

In the example, we can see that when data is initialized using the UserUpdate dataclass with the specified schema 'w', data that is not supported in the 'w' mode will not be input and will not take effect even if you try to assign it. The resulting output is the fields supported in the 'w' mode

Modes in runtime Options

You can also use the method of the dataclass __from__ for initialization, in which the first parameter is passed in data, and the options parameter can specifies a runtime parsing Options, which can be used for dynamic specification of the mode, such as

from utype import Schema, Field, Options
from datetime import datetime

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str
    password: str = Field(mode='wa')
    followers_num: int = Field(readonly=True)  # or mode='r'
    signup_time: datetime = Field(

new_user_form = 'username=new-user&password=123456'
new_user = UserSchema.__from__(new_user_form, options=Options(mode='a'))
# > UserSchema(username='new-user', password='123456', signup_time=datetime(...))

user_query_result = {  
    'username': 'current-user',  
    'followers_num': '3',  
    'signup_time': '2022-03-04 10:11:12',  
queried_user = UserSchema.__from__(user_query_result, options=Options(mode='r'))
# > UserSchema(username='new-user', followers_num=3, signup_time=datetime(...)))

Modes in function decorator

You can also use the function’s parse Options to specify the parsing mode for all dataclass parameters in the function, as shown in

from utype import Schema, Field, Options, parse
from datetime import datetime

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str
    password: str = Field(mode='wa')
    followers_num: int = Field(readonly=True)  # or mode='r'
    signup_time: datetime = Field(

@parse(options=Options(mode='a', override=True))
def create_user(user: UserSchema):
    return dict(user)

new_user_form = 'username=new-user&password=123456'

# {
# 'username': 'new-user', 
# 'password': '123456', 
# 'signup_time': datetime.datetime(...)
# }


Declaring an Options that affect the dataclass params (like user in the example) requires to specify override=True in Options, otherwise dataclass will parse data with its own Options

Modes extension

utype does not restrict the semantics and scope of the mode, so you can freely declare a custom mode in mode param. a mode is usually represented by a signle lowercase letter.

utype supports json-schema document output in different modes, so you can use only one dataclass to get its input and output templates in multiple mode scenarios such as read, update, create, and so on

Modes and input/output

To specify a field as a certain mode is actually to specify that the input and output of the field are disabled in other modes. For example, if the mode of the field is 'r' and the current parsing mode is 'w', then the field is invalid and will not be used for input or output.

In fact, input and output parameters can also be configured as a mode string, such as

from utype import Schema, Field
from datetime import datetime

class Article(Schema):
    slug: str = Field(no_input='wa')
    title: str
    created_at: datetime = Field(

    def __validate__(self):
        if 'slug' not in self:
            self.slug = '-'.join([''.join(filter(str.isalnum, v))  
                                   for v in self.title.split()]).lower()

new_article_json = b'{"title": "My Awesome Article", "created_at": "ignored"}'  
new_article = Article.__from__(new_article_json, options=Options(mode='a'))

# > Article(title='My Awesome Article', created_at=datetime(...), slug='my-awesome-article')

Modes declared for the dataclass Article in the example are

  • slug: inputs are disabled on update ( 'w' ) and create ( 'a' ), but outputs are not disabled (that is, if assigned, they can be output as fields in the result), and inputs and outputs in other modes (such as read) are not restricted.
  • created_at: mode is specified as read ( 'r' ) and create ( 'a' ), and the input in create ( 'a' ) mode is disabled. The input is ignored when parsing in 'a' mode, and the default value (current time) is filled in, which conforms to the semantics of the field. Input and output are supported normally when reading

So you can see that when we use the create mode ( 'a' ) to initialize the article data, the '"created_at"' in input will be ignored directly, and slug will also not accept the input. The __validate__ function calle after initialization assigns the slug if not provided so the final result includes the passed in title, assigned slug, and created_at with the populated default value.

Attribute configuration

Field also supports the configuration of attribute features for the dataclass, such as

  • immutable: whether the attribute is immutable. The default is False. If enabled, you cannot assign or delete the corresponding attribute of the dataclass instance.
from utype import Schema, Field, exc
from datetime import datetime

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str = Field(immutable=True)
    signup_time: datetime = Field(

new_user = UserSchema(username='new-user')

# > UserSchema(username='new-user', signup_time=datetime(...))

    new_user.username = 'changed-user'
except exc.UpdateError as e:
    UserSchema: Attempt to set immutable attribute: ['username']

    del new_user.username
except exc.DeleteError as e:
    UserSchema: Attempt to delete immutable attribute: ['username']

except exc.DeleteError as e:
    UserSchema: Attempt to pop immutable item: ['signup_time']

As you can see, for immutable=True field, whether you use attribute assignment or deletion, or use the dict method of Schema to update or delete the data, an error will be thrown (thrown exc.UpdateError for updating, thrown exc.DeleteError for deleting).


Technically, you cannot make attributes immutable entirely in Python, if developer is intended, mutation can be done by manipulating __dict__, so immutable is actual also a mark to notice the developer that this field is not meant to be mutate

  • repr: you can specify a boolean, string, or function to control the display behavior of the field, that is, the display value in __repr__ the and __str__ functions, which represent the
    1. bool: whether to display. The default is True. If it is specified as False, the field will not be displayed even if it is provided in the data.
    2. str: specify a fixed display value, which is often used to hide the information of these fields
    3. Callable: provide a function that accepts the data value corresponding to the field as input and outputs a representation function.
from utype import Schema, Field
from datetime import datetime

class AccessInfo(Schema):
    access_key: str = Field(repr=lambda v: repr(v[:3] + '*' * (len(v) - 3)))
    secret_key: str = Field(repr='<secret key>')
    last_activity: datetime = Field(, repr=False)

access = AccessInfo(access_key='ABCDEFG', secret_key='qwertyu')
# > AccessInfo(access_key='ABC****', secret_key=<secret key>)

print('last_activity' in access)
# > True

# > {'access_key': 'ABCDEFG', 'secret_key': 'qwertyu', 'last_activity': datetime(...)}

In the example, we specify a display function for access_key that intercepts only the first few characters for display, for secret_key that we specify a fixed string for display, and for last_activity the field, we directly disable its display


repr configuration is only appied when using print(), str() or repr() to output the entire dataclass instance, if you print a single attribute like print(access.secret_key), it will be displayed directly


attribute configuration ( immutable, repr ) only applies for dataclass, it has no meaning in function params

Error handling

Field can also configure the error handling strategy for the specific field, that is, how to handle when the data corresponding to the field fails to pass the parsing validation. Its corresponding parameters is

  • on_error: configures the error handling behavior of a field. This parameter has several optional values.
    1. 'throw': default, throw error
    2. 'exclude': exclude the field from the result (this option cannot be used if the field is required)
    3. 'preserve': keep the field in the result, which allow the field in the result that does not pass the validation

Let’s look at an example.

from utype import Schema, Field, exc

class ErrorSchema(Schema):  
    throw: int = Field(on_error='throw', ge=0, required=False)  
    exclude: int = Field(on_error='exclude', ge=0, required=False)  
    preserve: int = Field(on_error='preserve', ge=0, required=False)  

except exc.ParseError as e:
    parse item: ['throw'] failed: Constraint: <ge>: 0 violated

inst = ErrorSchema(exclude='-1', preserve='-1')  
# UserWarning: parse item: ['exclude'] failed: Constraint: <ge>: 0 violated
# UserWarning: parse item: ['preserve'] failed: Constraint: <ge>: 0 violated
print('exclude' in inst)
# > False
print('preserve' in inst)
# > True

# > {'preserve': '-1'}

When specified on_error='throw' (which is also the default value), the invalid data passed by the field will be thrown directly as an error; when on_error='exclude' field encounter the invalid data, a warning will be given, but it will be ignored and not added to the result; when on_error='preserve' field encounter the invalid data, it will still be added to the result after a warning is given


Unless you known what you are doing, do not specify on_error='preserve', for that will break the type-safe guarantee in the runtime

If you want to configure error handling for an entire dataclass / function, please refer to Options API References

Field dependency

Field supports specifying a series of dependencies for the field, that is, when the input data provides the field, the dependency fields must also be provided. The parameters are as follows

  • dependencies: specifies a list of strings, where each string represents the name of a dependency field. Dependency fields must be defined in the current dataclass.
from utype import Schema, Field

class Account(Schema):  
    name: str  
    billing_address: str = Field(default=None)  
    credit_card: str = Field(required=False, dependencies=['billing_address'])

In Account dataclass, credit_card specifies a dependency of ['billing_address'], which means

  • billing_address must be provided if credit_card is provided
  • If no value is provided for credit_card, billing_address follows its own optional configuration

Let’s take a look at the specific usage.

bill = Account(name='bill')  
bob = Account(name='bill', billing_address='my house')  

alice = Account(name='alice', billing_address='somewhere', credit_card=123456)  
assert alice.credit_card == '123456'  

from utype import exc
    Account(name='alice', credit_card=123456)
except exc.DependenciesAbsenceError as e:
    required dependencies: {'billing_address'} is absence

As you can see, when credit_card is not provided, it can be parsed regardless of whether billing_address is passed in, because billing_address is an optional field, but when the data provides a credit_card field, billing_address must be provided. Otherwise, an exc.DependenciesAbsenceError error is thrown.

Property dependency

Field dependencies can also act on @property fields, such as

from utype import Schema, Field
from datetime import datetime

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str
    signup_time: datetime = Field(required=False)

    def signup_days(self) -> int:  
        return ( - self.signup_time).total_seconds() / (3600 * 24)

new_user = UserSchema(username='test')
print('signup_days' in new_user)
# False

signup_user = UserSchema(username='test', signup_time='2021-10-11 11:22:33')
print('signup_days' in signup_user)
# True

assert isinstance(signup_user.signup_days, int)  # True 

In the UserSchema dataclass declared in the example, the calculation signup_days needs signup_time to be provided, so it is declared as the dependency of the property

It can be seen that the difference between property dependency and field dependency is that when the property dependency is not provided, the attribute will not be calculated or output, but will not report an error.