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Types and Constraints

Types in Python

Before we dive into utype, let’s review types and type annotation in Python


If you are familiar with Python type annotation already, please read next chapter directly

In Python, each class ( class ) is a type, and when you use type() on it's instance, you get the class itself, as shown in

class MyClass:

my_inst = MyClass()
assert type(my_inst) == MyClass
assert isinstance(my_inst, MyClass)


Python is a strongly typed dynamic type language. Strong typing means that each value has a unique type. every type changes of the value must go through explicit type cast. Dynamic typing means that runtime type guarantees are not provided at the language level. For example, functions can accept any type of input parameter

There are some built-in types in Python that we can reference directly without importing, like

  • int: integer, such as 1
  • float: Floating-point numbers, such as 3.14
  • bool: Boolean value, such as True or False
  • str: string value, such as 'text'
  • bytes: Byte string, which stores data as a sequence of binary bytes and can be converted to and from str, such as b'binary'
  • list: List, with variable length and elements, such as [1, 2]
  • tuple: a tuple whose length is fixed and whose elements cannot be modified, such as (1, 'a')
  • set: collection, with unique and unordered internal elements, such as {'b', 'a', 'c'}
  • dict: dictionary that provides a mapping of keys to values, such as {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

Some standard libraries also provide common types that we can import directly without installing third-party dependencies, such as

  • datetime Date and time library, which provides datetime, date, time, timedelta and other types to represent date, time, and duration
  • enum Provides a Enum type to represent an enumeration value (a value with a fixed range of values)
  • uuid Provides the UUID type to represent a globally unique identifier
  • decimal: Type is provided Decimal to represent the number of decimal points In addition, there are many types provided by the standard library or third-party libraries, here is no need to enumerate all the discussions here

Type annotation syntax

Python >= 3.6 introduced a type annotation mechanism that can annotate the type of a variable, such as

name: str = 'test'
age: int = 1

When you add a type annotation to a variable, the IDE will warn you if you try to access a method or operator that is not supported by the type in your code, which can reduce unnecessary bugs during development.

However, it is important to note that Python itself does not provide guarantees for type annotations, which means that the actual value of a variable may not match the declared type, or may be changed by assignment, such as

age: int = 'nonsense'
age += 1   # TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str


utype is based on Python type annotation, and turns the annotation into a runtime type guarantee that can be relied on

Nested type

Python also supports the annotation of nested types, such as declaring a list type whose elements are strings.

from typing import Any, List, Dict

class Series:
    names: List[str] = ['n1', 'n2']
    values: List[float] = [0.1, 0.2]
    metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {'version': '0.1.1'}

In the example, we can see that typing provided a set of type aliases that support nested operation

  • List: declare a list, you need to pass in a type in square brackets that represents the type of its elements.
  • Set: declare a set, you need to pass in a type in square brackets that represents the type of its elements.
  • Tuple: declare a tuple. Multiple types can be passed in square brackets to represent the type of the element at the corresponding position in the tuple.
  • Dict: declare a dictionary, you need to pass two types in square brackets, representing the type of the key and the type of the value.

If you are using Python 3.9 +, you can directly use list, set instead of typing aliases to achieve the same effect, such as

from typing import Any

class Series:
    names: list[str] = ['n1', 'n2']
    values: list[float] = [0.1, 0.2]
    metadata: dict[str, Any] = {'version': '0.1.1'}

Special annotations

Python also supports some specia type annotations, such as

  • Union: use Union[X, Y] to indicates that the corresponding value is either of type X or type Y.
  • Optional: use Optional[X] indicates that type X or None are allowed, which is a shortcut for Union[X, None]
from typing import Union, Optional

class Form:
    name: str = 'alice'
    address: Optional[str] = None
    phone_number: Union[str, int] = 12345

If you’re using Python 3.10 +, the Union type can be declared using the or ( | ) operator

class Form:
    name: str = 'alice'
    address: str | None = None
    phone_number: str | int = 12345


Optional is not incidating the "required" / "optional" property of a field, this feature is archieved by declaring the default or required params in Field configuration

  • Callable: declares a callable object, often used to annotate function objects, such as Callable[[int], str] representing a function that takes an integer as input to output a string.
  • Type: declare the type itself, for example

    from typing import Type
    class MyClass:
    class Collection:
        int_type: Type[int] = int
        my_type: Type[MyClass] = MyClass

  • Literal: used to declare a constant or a series of enumeration values, such as

    from typing import Literal
    class File:
        fmt: Literal['binary'] = 'binary'
        mode: Literal['r', 'rb', 'w', 'wb'] = 'rb'
        opening: Literal[1, True, 'true'] = True

Annotate functions

You can also use type annotation for function arguments and return value in the same way, such as

from typing import Dict, Optional

password_dict: Dict[str, str] = {}   
# pretend this is a database that store user passwords

def login(username: str, password: str) -> Optioanl[Dict[str, str]]:
    if password_dict.get(username) == password:
        return {
            'username': username,
    return None
password_dict: dict[str, str] = {}
# pretend this is a database that stores user passwords

def login(username: str, password: str) -> dict[str, str] | None:
    if password_dict.get(username) == password:
        return {
            'username': username,
    return None


Some special functions requires specific annotations, like generator functions or async generator functions, we will discuss it in Function parsing

ForwardRef string

Python supports the use of strings to reference types in the global namespace, which is also called ForwardRef, often used in the following cases

Referencing class itself inside class

aka "Self-reference", such as

class Comment:
    content: str
    on_comment: 'Comment' = None
    comments: List['Comment']

Referencing to a type that has not been defined

This usage is common, such as circular references.

class Article:
    title: str
    comments: List['Comment']

class Comment:
    content: str
    on_article: Article = None

Referencing globals from tainted locals

If the name of the type you need to annotate is already occupied in the local namespace, you need to use a string reference to reference it in the global namespace.

from datetime import datetime

class Article:
    str: str = 'placeholder'   # name <str> is occupied
    title: 'str'
    datetime: datetime =
    created_at: 'datetime'


In the above case, if title attribute use title: str as type annotation, the actual annotated type is a string 'placeholder' in the locals, which has no meaning

Note that types that use string references must be defined in the global namespace ( globals()), and you cannot use local variables in functions for reference hints, such as

def not_working():
    class Article:
        title: str
        comments: List['Comment']     # will not work properly

    class Comment:
        content: str
        on_article: Article = None    # this will work

Further reading

The above documentation lists only the most commonly used syntax and types. If you want to know more about Python type annotation syntax, you can refer to the following documentation.

Constrainted type

In utype, all the validations are around types, utype not only supports parsing Python type annotations, but also supports constraints

The concept of a constraint is very simple. For example, if I need a positive number, or a string with a length between 10 and 20, then I can’t express it using primitive types int str, but it can be done simply using utype

from utype import Rule

class PositiveInt(int, Rule):  
    gt = 0

class MyStr(str, Rule):
    min_length = 10
    max_length = 20

utype supports declarative constraints. including

  • Range constraints: constrain the maximum and minimum of the value ( gt, ge, lt, le)
  • Length constraints: constrain the length or length range of the value ( length, max_length, min_length)
  • Constants and enumeration: constrain value to be a constant or in a fixed values range ( const, enum)
  • Regex constraints: constrain value to satisfy certain regular expression (regex)
  • Numeric constraints: constraint the maximum digit length of a numeric value, etc. ( max_digits, decimal_places)
  • Array constraints: constrain element uniqueness, contained types for list values ( unique_items, contains)


For more elaborated constraint params, please refer to Rule API References

These built-in constraints can basically cover most use cases, In addition, utype also supports custom constraints and custom verification logic, which we will introduce later.

There are two ways to declare constraints in utype, which we describe below

Rule mixin

One of the most common ways is to declare a new class, using the source type and the Rule class as the base class, and declare the constraints you need in the attributes of this class, such as

from utype import Rule

class PositiveInt(int, Rule):  
    gt = 0

num = PositiveInt('3')
# > <class 'int'>
It should be noted here that the result of calling the constrainted type is still the source type, the Rule class only checks the constraints, as in the above example:

  • Source Type: int
  • Constrainted type: PositiveInt
  • Constraints: gt=0 (value greater than zero)
  • Result type of calling: int (source type)

Here is an equation to help understanding:
Constrainted-Type = Source-Type + Rule + Constraint-Attributes

the result of calling a constrainted type is an instance of the source type that satisfy all the constraint validations (otherwise an error is throwed).

The source type does not need to be a base type, but can also be a custom type, such as

import utype

class MonthType(int):
    def get_days(self, year: int) -> int: 
        # you will get 'year' of int type and satisfy those constraints 
        from calendar import monthrange  
        return monthrange(year, self)[1]

class Month(MonthType, utype.Rule):
    gt = 0
    le = 12

mon = Month(b'11')
assert isinstance(mon, MonthType)

# > 30

@utype.apply decorator

Another way to constrain type is to use a @utype.apply decorator, declaring the constraints directly for the target type in decorator parameters, as shown in

import utype

@utype.apply(gt=0, le=12)  
class Month(int):  
    def get_days(self, year: int = utype.Field(ge=2000, le=3000)) -> int: 
        # you will get 'year' of int type and satisfy those constraints 
        from calendar import monthrange  
        return monthrange(year, self)[1]

mon = Month(b'11')
assert isinstance(mon, Month)

# > 30


The essence of @utype.apply is still an internal Rule mixin

isinstance detection

we can use isinstance(obj, t) in Python to test whether the object obj is an instance of type t (including instances of subclasses of t), but for constrainted types, this behavior actually detects whether the object is an instance of the source type of the constraint type and satisfies the constraint validations, so

from utype import Rule

class PositiveInt(int, Rule):  
    gt = 0

print(isinstance(1, PositiveInt))
# > True
print(isinstance(-2, PositiveInt))
# > False
print(isinstance(b'3', PositiveInt))
# > False
This feature can be used to check whether a value meets the requirements of a constrainted type

Built-in constrainted type

utype has already declared some common constrainted types that you can import directly from utype.types, such as

  • PositiveInt: a positive number, excluding 0
  • NaturalInt: natural number, including 0
  • Month: number of months, 1 to 12
  • Day: number of days in a month, from 1 to 31
  • Week: number of weeks in a year, 1 to 53
  • WeekDay: day of the week, 1 to 7
  • Quater: quarter of the year, 1 to 4
  • Hour: hours of a day, 0 to 23
  • Minute: minutes of an hour, 0 to 59
  • Second: seconds of a minute, 0 to 59
  • SlugStr: String format commonly used for post URLs, consisting of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens -
  • EmailStr: a string that meets the requirements of the email address format

In fact, the declaration of these types is very simple, and you can declare and implement them yourself. utype suggests declaring common constraints as constrainted types, so that you can directly refer to them in type annotation elsewhere.

Nested type

We can use nested type annotation such as List[int], but it cannot be directly used to convert input data. utype provides some nested types, using the same syntax as typing, but can be directly used for validation and conversion, such as

import enum  
from utype import types, exc

class EnumLevel(str, enum.Enum):  
    info = 'INFO'  
    warn = 'WARN'  
    error = 'ERROR'  

level_array = types.Array[EnumLevel]

print(level_array(['INFO', 'WARN']))
# > [< 'INFO'>, <EnumLevel.warn: 'WARN'>]

except exc.ParseError as e:
    ParseError: 'OTHER' is not a valid EnumLevel

value = ('1', True, b'2.3')

# > [1, 1, 2]

in the example we declared a level_array nested type, using Array as the primitive type, where the nested element type is an Enum class, the nested type can be called directly and the data can be parsed and validated

The nested types currently supported by utype are * types.Array: Supports declaration of element types and constraints for list, tuple, set, and other sequence structures. The default source type is list * types.Object: Supports declaring element types and constraints for dictionaries, mappings. The default source type is dict

You can also inherit these nested types, assign constraints, specify other source types, etc. The usage is similar to Rule (because these nested types also inherit from Rule).

from utype import types

class UniqueTuple(types.Array):  
    __origin__ = tuple
    unique_items = True

unique_tuple = UniqueTuple[int, int, str]
print(unique_tuple(['1', '2', 't']))
# > (1, 2, 't')

    unique_tuple(['1', '1', '3'])
except exc.ParseError as e:
    ConstraintError: Constraint: <unique_items>: True violated: value is not unique

In the example, we declared UniqueTuple by inheriting the nested type Array, we use __origin__ to override the default source type, so that it does not conflict with the default source type of the nested type; we also declared a unique_items=True constraint, which indicates that the elements of the input data must be unique


Currently, utype are not using Generic type for nested type, so IDE cannot hint properly for the inner elements, so utype plans to implement some IDE plugins in the further

Logical operations of type

utype supports logical operations on types using Python’s native logical operators for combining more complex type conditions, such as

from utype import Rule, exc
from typing import Literal

class IntWeekDay(int, Rule):  
    gt = 0
    le = 7

weekday = IntWeekDay ^ Literal['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']

assert weekday('6') == 6
assert weekday(b'tue') == 'tue'

except exc.ParseError as e:
    Constraint: <le>: 7 violated;
    Constraint: <enum>: ('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun') violated

from datetime import date

weekday_or_date = weekday | date

assert weekday_or_date(b'5') == 5
assert weekday_or_date('fri') == 'fri'
assert weekday_or_date('2000-1-1') == date(2000, 1, 1)

In our example, we declared weekday that concatenates IntWeekDay with a Literal enumeration list using the exclusive-or operator, which means that weekday requires input values to match one of the two types. The logical operators supported by utype are

  • Or ( | ): Data needs to match at least one of these types
  • Xor ( ^ ): The data must match one of the criteria, not more than one or zero
  • Not ( ~ ): Data must not match the corresponding type
  • And ( & ): Data must match all types simultaneously


utype can support logical nesting at any level, so technically you can use this syntax to declare any logical conditions, but in practice it is not recommended to use overly complex types, which will make development and debugging difficult

Common use case: Reverse Selection and Exclusion

A common use case of logical combination is that a certain type needs to be used, but some values need to be excluded. For example, 0 needs to be excluded as a dividend for float. In this case, we can first declare the value to be excluded with a constraint, and then negate it and combine it with the source type to get the excluded type we need.

from utype import Rule, exc

class Zero(Rule):
    const = 0

Divisor = float & ~Zero

except exc.ParseError as e:
    Negate condition: Zero(const=0) is violated

Using and ( & ) logic will convert the conditions in order. In the example, we declared Divisor, which is a float type excluding 0. When parsing, we will first convert the input data to float, and then to ~Zero, which fails if value match Zero, otherwise the parsing is done

You can use enum constraint to specify excluded enumeration values, such as

from utype import Rule, exc

class Infinity(Rule):  
    enum = [float("inf"), float("-inf")]  

FiniteFloat = float & ~Infinity

assert FiniteFloat(b'3.3') == 3.3

except exc.ParseError as e:
    Negate condition: Infinity(enum=[inf, -inf]) is violated

Restrictions and version compat

To use the logical type functionality provided by utype, at least one of the types participating in the logical operation must be a constrainted type of utype, because Python has limited native support for type logical operations.

  • Python < 3.10: does not support any type of logical operation. Using syntax like str | int will result in an error.
  • Python >= 3.10: Supports the use of the or ( | ) operator on types to obtain Union types, which can be used for type annotations but cannot be used for type conversions, and does not support the use of other operators, such as Xor ( ^ ) or not ( ~ ).

However, as long as the constrainted type of utype is used, all logical operator operations can be supported in Python >= 3.7, and logical type can not only be used for type annotation, but also be used to parse data

To make life easier, utype.types already provide some types corresponding the the primitive types, to be used in logical operations, such as Int, Str, Bool, Float etc. you can treat them as "primitive types that support logical operations"

from utype.types import Int

any_of1 = Int | bool | str   # ok
any_of2 = bool | Int | str   # ok

xor_type1 = Int ^ bool ^ str  # ok
xor_type2 = bool ^ Int ^ str  # ok
xor_type3 = bool ^ str ^ Int  # TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^

revert_type = ~int     # TypeError: bad operand type for unary ~: 'type'
revert_type = ~Int     # ok
print(revert_type | xor_type2)
# > AnyOf(Not(Int(int)), OneOf(bool, Int(int), str))


In the logic operation expression, the constrainted type must be at least the first or second element, otherwise the first element and the second element will be combined first, which will throw an error directly if such operation is not supported by Python

It should be noted that only logical types that use utype constrainted type can provide the conversion functionalities, you cannot use Python native types directly to parse values after logical operation.

    (str | int)('some value')
except TypeError as e:
    # Python >= 3.10
    Cannot instantiate typing.Union
    # Python < 3.10
    unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'type'

Tune type transformation


This is an advanced section for the developer who has mastered utype and seeking for customization, if you just get started, you can read the next document directly

Python does not provide a safe and effective way to convert any type value to any other type natively . All type conversion logic is provided by utype through conversion functions. However, each developer may have his/her own preference for the strictness of type conversion method. Therefore, utype’s type conversion mechanism provides multiple adjustable preference parameters, and supports dynamic registration, which we will mainly introduce in this section.

Register type transformer

In utype, each type is converted through type transformer functions, but these functions are not fixed, and can be registered flexibly, such as

from utype import Rule, Schema, register_transformer
from typing import Type

class Slug(str, Rule):  
    regex = r"[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*"

def to_slug(transformer, value, t: Type[Slug]):
    str_value = transformer(value, str)
    return t('-'.join([''.join(
    filter(str.isalnum, v)) for v in str_value.split()]).lower())

class ArticleSchema(Schema):
    slug: Slug

print(dict(ArticleSchema(slug=b'My Awesome Article!')))
# > {'slug': 'my-awesome-article'}

The registered transformer function does not affect the behavior of the method of the class __init__, In the following scenario, the conversion function is called

  • Parsing the source type of a constrainted type
  • Parsing a field of dataclass with certain type
  • Parsing a param of function with certion type

When parsing a field/parameter, if the type of the data is exactly the same as the declared type ( type(data) == t), the parsing will be skipped directly, otherwise, the transformer function will be resolved for calling


if the transformer function cannot be found for certain type, that type is called an unresolved type, you can tune it's behaviour by the param unresolved_types of Options - tuning parse

The parameters to register the decorator @register_transformer are as follows

  • *classes pass the type classes to be registered
  • allow_subclasses: whether to accept subclasses. The default is True. If True, *classes subclasses in will also apply the same transformer function if they are not registered.
  • metaclass: pass in a metaclass to specify the transformer function for all instance types of the metaclass.
  • attr: pass in an attribute name specifies the transformer function for all classes that have that attribute.
  • detector: pass in a detection function, and the transformer function is specified for all classes satisfying the detection.
  • priority: specify the priority of the conversion function. The higher it is, the higher it is used. By default, the later it is registered, the higher its priority is.
  • to: You can specify the TypeTransformer subclass where the converter is registered . By default, the converter you register is global. Specifying a TypeTransformer subclass will only register for this class. You can declare a transformer class of type in Options.

By default, the later the converter is registered, the higher the priority, so it can achieve the effect of “override”.


You cannot register for nested types, such as Union[int, str] or List[int]

Compat other libraries

With the registration capability of type transformer, utype can be compatible with other class libraries by registering transformer functions.

Compat pydantic

pydantic is a data parsing and validation library, which also has the ability of type conversion and constraint validation. it's BaseModel is similar to the dataclass (Schema/DataClass) in utype.

Transformer function to compat pydantic is as follows

from utype import register_transformer  
from import Mapping  
from pydantic import BaseModel  

def transform_pydantic(transformer, data, cls):  
    if not transformer.no_explicit_cast and not isinstance(data, Mapping):  
        data = transformer(data, dict)  
    return cls(**data)

Compat attrs

attrs is a library that simplifies class declarations, allowing you to map initialization parameters to attributes without declaring __init__ functions, but does not have the ability to convert type and validate constraints

Transformer function to compat attrs is as follows

from utype import register_transformer  
from import Mapping  

def transform_attrs(transformer, data, cls):  
    if not transformer.no_explicit_cast and not isinstance(data, Mapping):  
        data = transformer(data, dict)
    names = [ for v in cls.__attrs_attrs__]  
    data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in names}  
    return cls(**data)

Compat dataclasses

dataclasses is a standard library for Python, similar to attrs, which also provides convenient methods for initializing classes, but also without the ability for type conversion

Transformer function to compat dataclasses is as follows

from utype import register_transformer  
from import Mapping  

def transform_dataclass(transformer, data, cls):  
    if not transformer.no_explicit_cast and not isinstance(data, Mapping):  
        data = transformer(data, dict)
    data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in cls.__dataclass_fields__}  
    return cls(**data)