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dataclass is a class that has a set of properties that are also required to satisfy certain types or constraints, such as

class Article:  
    slug: str  
    content: str  
    views: int = 0  

    def __init__(self, slug: str, content: str, views: int = 0):  
        import re
        if not isinstance(slug, str) \  
                or not re.findall(slug,  r"[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*") \  
                or len(slug) > 30:  
            raise ValueError(f'Bad slug: {slug}')  
        if not isinstance(content, str):  
            raise ValueError(f'Bad content: {content}')  
        if not isinstance(views, int) or views < 0:  
            raise ValueError(f'Bad views: {views}')  
        self.slug = slug  
        self.content = content  
        self.views = views


There are many usage of the above dataclass, such as ORM model

When defining such class, we often need to declare a __init__ function to receive its initialization parameters, and do type and constraint checking in it, otherwise we may get unusable data, such as

bad_article = Article(title=False, content=123, views='text value')

With utype, the above data structur can be declared in a more concise way and gain more capabilities, such as

from utype import Schema, Rule, Field

class Slug(str, Rule):  
    regex = r"[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*"

class ArticleSchema(Schema):
    slug: Slug = Field(max_length=30)
    content: str 
    views: int = Field(ge=0, default=0)

It’s also very straightforward to use

article = ArticleSchema(slug='my-article', content=b'my article body')
#> ArticleSchema(slug='my-article', content='my article body', views=0)
#> 'my-article'

from utype import exc

    article.slug = '@invalid slug'
except exc.ParseError as e:
    parse item: ['slug'] failed: 
    Constraint: <regex>: '[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*' violated

article.views = '3.0'   # will be convert to int

# > {'slug': 'my-article', 'content': 'my article body', 'views': 3}
You can get

  • Automatic __init__ to take input data, perform validation and attribute assignment
  • Providing __repr__ and __str__ to get the clearly print output of the instance
  • parse and protect attribute assignment and deletion to avoid dirty data

So in this document, we will introduce the declaration and usage of dataclasses in detail.

Define fields

There are many ways to declare a field in a dataclass, the simplest being

from utype import Schema

class UserSchema(Schema):
    name: str
    age: int = 0

The declared fields are

  • name: only with type str, which is a required parameter
  • age: declared int type , and default value 0. which makes It an optional parameter. If not passed in, the default value 0 will be used as the field value in the instance.

However, in addition to the type and default value, a field often needs to be configured with other behaviors, so the following usage is needed.

Configure Field

in utype, Field can be used to configure behaviors for a field. The following examples show the usage of some common Field configurations.

from utype import Schema, Field  
from datetime import datetime  
from typing import List  

class ArticleSchema(Schema):  
    slug: str = Field(  
        description='the url route of an article'  
    content: str = Field(alias_from=['text', 'body'])  
    # body: str = Field(required=False, deprecated=True)  
    views: int = Field(ge=0, default=0)  
    created_at: datetime = Field(  
    tags: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list, no_output=lambda v: not v)

article = ArticleSchema(  
    body='article body',  

In the example.

  • slug: the URL route of an article. the regex constraint is specified for the field and is set immutable=True, meaning that the field cannot be assigned to or be deleted
from utype import exc

    article.slug = 'other-slug'  
except exc.UpdateError as e:  
    ArticleSchema: Attempt to set immutable attribute: ['slug']    

Sample values example and descriptions description are also specified to better describe the purpose of the field.

  • content: the content field of the article, which uses alias_from to specify some aliases that can be converted from. This feature is very useful for field renaming and version compatibility. For example, the content field name of the previous version is 'body'. Is deprecated and used 'content' as the name of the content field in the current version

  • views: the page view field of the article, specifies a ge minimum value constraint and a default value 0, so the default value 0 is automatically filled in when there is no input, and an error is thrown when the input value or the assigned value violates the constraint.

from utype import exc  

assert article.views == 0
    article.views = -3  
except exc.ParseError as e:  
    parse item: ['views'] failed: Constraint: <ge>: 0 violated    
  • created_at: the creation time field of the article, using alias to specify the output name 'createdAt', using required=False to declare an optional field with no default value, so if the field not provided in the input data, it will not be in the instance, such as
    assert 'createdAt' not in article   # True
    article.created_at = '2022-02-02 10:11:12'  
    # {
    # 'slug': 'test-article', 
    # 'content': 'article body',
    # 'views': 0, 
    # 'createdAt': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 2, 10, 11, 12)
    # }

When a value is assigned to created_at, it is converted to the field’s type (datetime), and in the output data, the field is using the alias specified name 'createdAt'

  • tags: the label field of the article specifies that the factory function of the default value is list, which means that if this field is not provided, an empty list ( list()) will be created as the default value. In addition, the no_output function is specified, which means that no output will be made when the value is empty.


utype can parse attribute assignment only if you assign it directly (like the above example), if you use something like article.tags.append(obj) to operate tags, you will not gain the parsing ability

Field provided many configuration params, including

  • Optional and default: required, default, default_factory to indicate the optional field and it's default value / factory method
  • Description and marking: title, description, example, deprecated etc. used to document a field, specify an example, or to indicate whether it is deprecated
  • Constraintsn: includes all constraints in Rule, such as gt, le, max_length, regex
  • Alias configuration: alias, alias_from, case_insensitive, etc. used to specify aliases for fields other than attribute name
  • Mode configuration: readonly, writeonly mode, etc., to support multiple parse mode and control the behavior of field in certain mode.
  • Input and output: no_input, no_output, used to control the input and output behavior of the field
  • Attribute behaviors: immutable, secret used to control the immutability and display behavior of the corresponding attribute of the field.

For more complete parameters and usage of Field, you can read Field API References


Field only take effect in a dataclass attribute or function paramaters with @utype.parse, for an isolated variable, it won't work

Declare @property

In Python classes, you can use @property decorator to declare properties, and then use functions to control access, assignment, and deletion of properties.

utype also supports the use of @property to gain more control of property behavior, let's start with a simple example.

from utype import Schema
from datetime import datetime

class UserSchema(Schema):
    username: str
    signup_time: datetime

    def signup_days(self) -> int:  
        return ( - self.signup_time).total_seconds() / (3600 * 24)

user = UserSchema(username='test', signup_time='2021-10-11 11:22:33')

assert isinstance(user.signup_days, int)

The property signup_days counts the number of registered days using the field signup_time and is declared as type int, so that utype will convert the result of getter function to int when accessing the property

Control assignment

With @property attributes, you can also control the assignment by declare setter, which is also a common practice to make dependencies updates, or to hide certain private fields from exposure, such as

from utype import Schema, Field  

class ArticleSchema(Schema):  
    _slug: str  
    _title: str  

    def slug(self) -> str:  
        return self._slug  

    def title(self) -> str:  
        return self._title  

    def title(self, val: str):  
        self._title = val  
        self._slug = '-'.join([''.join(filter(str.isalnum, v))  
                               for v in val.split()]).lower()  

In the example, we use the setter of title to update slug property. so user of the class do not need to operate slug directly.

If the property does not declare a setter, it is not assignable (immutable), so it is more native to declare an immutable field.


In dataclasses, all params in initialization will be assigned to the corresponding attribute, which will trigger the setter for property

Configure Field for properties

utype supports configuring the Field to @property, such as

from utype import Schema, Field  

class ArticleSchema(Schema):  
    _slug: str  
    _title: str  

    def title(self) -> str:  
        return self._title  

    def title(self, val: str = Field(max_length=50)):  
        self._title = val  
        self._slug = '-'.join([''.join(filter(str.isalnum, v))  
                               for v in val.split()]).lower()  

    @Field(dependencies=title, description='the url route of article')
    def slug(self) -> str:  
        return self._slug  

Field can be configured on the getter and setter of the property, and their usages are

getter: use Field instance as a decorator to decorate the underlying function for @property, common params are

  • no_output=True: do not output the calculated property value
  • dependencies: specify the dependency fields for getter calculation. The calculation will be performed only when all the dependencies of the attribute field are provided.
  • alias: specifies the field alias for the output

setter: use Field instance as default value for the input param of setter function, common params are

  • no_input=True: indicates that input is not accepted during initialization, and only can be assigned by attribute assignment
  • immutable=True: indicates that the attribute assignment is not accepted and can only be entered at initialization time.
  • alias_from: specify a list of field aliases


if you specify both no_input=True and immutable=True will make the setter useless

Let’s take a look at the behavior of these properties

article = ArticleSchema(title='My Awesome article!')
# > 'my-awesome-article'

    article.slug = 'other value'   # cannot set attribute
except AttributeError:

article.title = b'Our Awesome article!'
# > 'our-awesome-article'

# > {'slug': 'our-awesome-article', 'title': 'Our Awesome article!'}

from utype import exc
    article.title = '*' * 100
except exc.ParseError as e:
    parse item: ['title'] failed: Constraint: <max_length>: 50 violated

After specified dependencies=title for slug, when title is assigned, slug is also updated

Field restrictions

Not all attributes declared on a Schema are converted to fields that can be parsed and validated, utype’s dataclass fields have certain restrictions

  • Attributes that begin with an underscore ('_') are not treated as fields. which tend to be reserved for classes and are not treated as fields by utype
  • All @classmethod, @staticmethod, and instance methods will not be treated as fields
  • If you use a ClassVar to annotate an attribute, it means that the attribute is a class variable, not an instance variable, which will aslo not treated as a field.
from utype import Schema
from typing import ClassVar, Final

class Static(Schema):
    _private: int = 0

    def generate(cls): pass

    VERSION: ClassVar[tuple] = (0, 2, 1)

static = Static()
# > (0, 2, 1)

# > {}

In the example, several attributes in the Static dataclass are not qualified to be fields, so the values of these properties in the instance are not affected by the input data, thus the output data


When field names and declarations meet the restrictions, there are also some declaration restrictions to be aware of

  • If field name corresponds to a method or class function in a base class, you cannot declare it as a data field in a subclass.

    from utype import Schema, Field
        class InvalidSchema(Schema):
            items: list = Field(default_factory=list)  # wrong!
    except TypeError as e:

    For example, Schema inherits from dict, the method names in the dict class cannot be declared as a field name in Schema. If you need to declare the same field name, you can use alias, such as

    from utype import Schema, Field
    class ItemsSchema(Schema):
        items_list: list = Field(alias='items', default_factory=list)
    data = ItemsSchema(items=(1, 2))   # ok
    # > [1, 2]
    # > [1, 2]
    # > <built-in method items of ItemsSchema object>

  • If a field declared Final annotation in a parent class, it means that it cannot be overridden or assigned again, so a subclass cannot declare a field of the same name

    from utype import Schema
    from typing import Final
    class Base(Schema):
        base_name: Final[str] = 'base'
        class Child(Base):
            base_name = 'child'   # wrong!
    except TypeError as e:


Using Final as type annotation also marks the field immutable=True, if a value assigned to Final field, then it is also no_input=True, which meets the declaration of Final

Usage of dataclasses

In this section, we’ll focus on how dataclasses are used.

Nesting and compounding

dataclass is itself a type, so we can use the same syntax to define nested data structures, as shown in

from utype import Schema, Field
from typing import List

class MemberSchema(Schema):
    name: str
    level: int = 0

class GroupSchema(Schema):
    name: str
    creator: MemberSchema
    members: List[MemberSchema] = Field(default_factory=list)

We use MemberSchema as a type annotation for the field in the GroupSchema, indicating that the incoming data needs to conform to the structure of the declared dataclass (often a dict or JSON), such as

alice = {'name': 'Alice', 'level': '3'}   # dict format
bob = b'{"name": "Bob"}'                  # json format

group = GroupSchema(name='test', creator=alice, members=(alice, bob))  

# > MemberSchema(name='Alice', level=3)

assert group.members[1].name == 'Bob'

As you can see, both dict and JSON data can be directly converted into dataclass instances for parsing and validation.


You CANNOT put JSON string / bytes directly to inititialize the dataclass, such as MemberSchema(b'{"name": "Bob"}'). but dataclass provided a method called __from__ to absorb such data, so you can use MemberSchema.__from__(b'{"name": "Bob"}') to transform the non-dict input

Private dataclass

Sometimes, a dataclass will only appear in a specific class and will not be referenced by other data. In this case, the required structure can be directly defined as a class in the dataclass to facilitate code organization and namespace isolation, such as

from utype import Schema, Field
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List

class UserSchema(Schema):
    name: str
    level: int = 0

    class KeyInfo(Schema):
        access_key: str
        last_activity: datetime = None

    access_keys: List[KeyInfo] = Field(default_factory=list)

user = UserSchema(**{'name': 'Joe', 'access_keys': {'access_key': 'KEY'}})
# > [UserSchema.KeyInfo(access_key='KEY', last_activity=None)]

In this example, UserSchema have declared a dataclass named KeyInfo in it's attributes, KeyInfo is not treated as a field for not meeting the field restrictions

Inheritance and reuse

Inheritance is an important means of reusing data structures and methods in object-oriented programming. It is also applicable to dataclasses in utype. You can inherit all fields of the parent class only by class inheritance, such as

from utype import Schema, Field
from datetime import datetime

class LoginSchema(Schema):  
    username: str = Field(regex='[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}')  
    password: str = Field(min_length=6, max_length=20)

class UserSchema(LoginSchema):  
    signup_time: datetime = Field(readonly=True)  

UserSchema is inherit from LoginSchema so that username, password fields in LoginSchema become a part of UserSchema

You can also use multiple inheritance to reuse data structures, or use the idea of Mixin to atomize common parts of a data structure and combine them in the desired structure, for example

from utype import Schema, Field
from datetime import datetime

class UsernameMixin(Schema):  
    username: str = Field(regex='[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}')  

class PasswordMixin(Schema):  
    password: str = Field(min_length=6, max_length=20)

class ProfileSchema(UsernameMixin):  
    signup_time: datetime = Field(readonly=True)  

class LoginSchema(UsernameMixin, PasswordMixin):

class PasswordAlterSchema(PasswordMixin):
    old_password: str

We declare corresponding mixin dataclasses for username and password fields, so any dataclass that needs them can inherit from the mixin class to get the corresponding fields.

Logic operation

Like constraint types, dataclasses that inherit from Schema have the ability to participate in logic operation of types, as shown in

from utype import Schema, Field
from typing import Tuple

class User(Schema):  
    name: str = Field(max_length=10)  
    age: int

one_of_user = User ^ Tuple[str, int]

print(one_of_user({'name': 'test', 'age': '1'}))
# > User(name='test', age=1)

print(one_of_user([b'test', '1']))
# > ('test', 1)

We logically combine the dataclass User with the Tuple nested type (yes, you can do that, although Tuple[str, int] it’s not a type, utype will convert it at the time of the operation), so that the input can either accept dictionary or JSON data (convert to User). or list / tuple data (convert to Tuple[str, int] )

For functions

Dataclasses can also be used in functions, as type annotations for function params or returns, simply requiring the function to use @utype.parse decorators

from utype import Schema, Field, parse
from typing import Optional

class UserInfo(Schema):  
    username: str = Field(regex='[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}')  

class LoginForm(UserInfo):  
    password: str = Field(min_length=6, max_length=20)  

password_dict = {"alice": "123456"}
# pretend this is a database

def login(form: LoginForm) -> Optional[UserInfo]:
    if password_dict.get(form.username) == form.password:
        return {"username": form.username}
    return None

request_json = b'{"username": "alice", "password": 123456}'

user = login(request_json)
# > UserInfo(username='alice')

In the example, we declared a login function, which uses LoginForm to accept the login form data. If the login is successful, the user name information will be returned and will be converted to the UserInfo instance.


More about function parsing: Function parsing

Data parse and validation

In this section, we focus on how to control and adjust the parsing and validation behavior of the dataclass.

Configure Options

utype provides an Options class to tune the parsing behavior of dataclasses and functions, which is used in the dataclass as follows

from utype import Schema, Options

class UserPreserve(Schema):  
    __options__ = Options(addition=True)  

    name: str  
    level: int = 0

user = UserPreserve(name='alice', age=19, invite_code='XYZ')
# > UserPreserve(name='alice', level=0, age=19, invite_code='XYZ')
# > 19

We declare an attribute named __options__ in the dataclass and assign it using an instance of Options. The resolution options are passed in as parameters.

In the example, we configured Options(addition=True) to preserve the additional input data outside the dataclass fields. so that age and invite_code are reserved in the output data, the commonly used options in the parsing configuration are:

  • Data processing: addition, max_params, min_params, max_depth etc. to limit the length, depth of the input data and specify the behavior of the additional data.
  • Error handling: max_errors collect_errors. configure error-handling behavior, such as whether to collect all parse errors or "fail-fast"
  • invalid data: invalid_items, invalid_keys, invalid_values, Configure the processing behavior of illegal/invalid data, whether to discard, keep, or throw an error.
  • parse tuning: A series of options for adjusting parsing behavior and field behavior, such as ignore_required, no_default, ignore_constraints, etc.
  • alias generation: alias_generator, case_insensitive etc., to generate aliases for fields, or to specify options that are case-sensitive or not


Options control the parsing and transformation for types, dataclasses and functions in utype, for more info, you can refer to Options API References

You can also decalre Options for class by class decorator, such as

from utype import Schema, Options

class UserPreserve(Schema):  
    name: str  
    level: int = 0

The following is an example of a usage for the parsing Options

from utype import Schema, Options, Field, exc

class LoginForm(Schema):  
    __options__ = Options(  

    username: str = Field(regex='[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}')  
    password: str = Field(min_length=6, max_length=20)  

form = {  
    'UserName': '@attacker',  
    'Password': '12345',  
    'Token': 'XXX'  

except exc.CollectedParseError as e:
    parse item: ['username'] failed: Constraint: <regex>: '[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}' violated;
    parse item: ['password'] failed: Constraint: <min_length>: 6 violated;
    parse item: ['Token'] exceeded

Let’s take a look at the options in the above example

  • case_insensitive=True: accept input data case-insensitive, as in the example where the input data pass 'UserName' for the value of 'username'.
  • addition=False: Indicates that any additional data will raises an error. In the example, we input an additional parameter 'Token', which will be detected and thrown as an error.
  • collect_errors=True: collect all the errors in the data and throw them together, which is more convenient for debugging. We can use exc.CollectedParseError it to catch the packaging error thrown, for example, in the example, we catch the error information of all parameters together. (collect_errors is False by default)


addition is None by default, means ignores additional input, addition=True means preserve additional input, addition=False means throw an error for additional input

Options also supports other declaration methods. such as

Class inheritance

from utype import Schema, Options, Field

class LoginForm(Schema):  
    class __options__(Options):  
        addition = False  
        collect_errors = True  
        case_insensitive = True  

    username: str = Field(regex='[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}')  
    password: str = Field(min_length=6, max_length=20)

Class decorator

from utype import Schema, Options

class UserPreserve(Schema):  
    name: str  
    level: int = 0

Runtime parsing option

utype supports passing in a parsing option at dataclass initialization (at parsing time) to tune the parsing behavior at runtime

from utype import Schema, Options, Field, exc

class LoginForm(Schema):  
    username: str = Field(regex='[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}')  
    password: str = Field(min_length=6, max_length=20)

options = Options(  

form = {  
    'username': '@attacker',  
    'password': '12345',  
    'token': 'XXX',

    LoginForm.__from__(form, options=options)
except exc.CollectedParseError as e:
    parse item: ['username'] failed: Constraint: <regex>: '[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}' violated;
    parse item: ['password'] failed: Constraint: <min_length>: 6 violated;
    parse item: ['token'] exceeded

By passing options parameters in the function __from__ of the dataclass, you can pass a runtime Options that utype will parse the data according to.

Inheritance and Extend

When you inherit a dataclass, you also inherit its parsing options, so you can also declare global parsing options.

import utype

class Schema(utype.Schema):
    __options__ = utype.Options(

class LoginForm(Schema): 
    username: str = utype.Field(regex='[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}')  
    password: str = utype.Field(min_length=6, max_length=20)

# > Options(collect_errors=True, case_insensitive=True)

As you can see, if the subclass does not declare options, it will directly inherit the parent class. Another way is

import utype

class Options(utype.Options):
     case_insensitive = True
     collect_errors = True

class LoginForm(utype.Schema): 
    class __options__(Options): pass

    username: str = utype.Field(regex='[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,20}')  
    password: str = utype.Field(min_length=6, max_length=20)

# > Options(collect_errors=True, case_insensitive=True)

The example defines a custom parsing option base class that you can freely inherit, combine, and reuse.

Custom __init__ function

Any predefined parsing options sometimes cannot replace the flexibility brought by custom function logic, so utype supports custom initialization __init__ functions in dataclasses to achieve more customized parsing logic, such as

from utype import Schema, exc

class PowerSchema(Schema):  
    result: float  
    num: float  
    exp: float  

    def __init__(self, num: float, exp: float):  
        if num < 0:  
            if 1 > exp > -1 and exp != 0:  
                raise exc.ParseError(f'operation not supported, '  
                                     f'complex result will be generated')  
            result=num ** exp  

power = PowerSchema('3', 3)
assert power.result == 27

    PowerSchema(-0.5, -0.5)
except exc.ParseError as e:
    operation not supported, complex result will be generated

In the example, we perform verification before calling the initialization method of the parent class (by super()) in custom __init__, so as to avoid the situation that the power operation produces a complex result.

As you can see, the custom __init__ function in the dataclass will get the ability of type resolution by default, that is, you can declare the type and field configuration in the __init__ function, and the syntax is identical to Function . When the function is called __init__, it will be parsed according to the parameter declaration of the function, and then execute your initialization logic.

And only if you define the __init__ function, you can pass positional parameters to initialize dataclass as in the example.


after customize __init__ , if you still want to support runtime Options, you should accept and pass __options__ to super().__init__ , otherwise (like in the example) dataclass will no longer support runtime options

Post-parse function

utype also supports declaring the post-parse function __validate__ to call after parsing. The usage is as follows

from utype import Schema, Field
from urllib.parse import urlparse

class RequestSchema(Schema):  
    url: str  
    method: str = Field(enum=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])  
    body = None  
    secure: bool = None

    def __validate__(self):  
        if self.method == 'GET':
            if self.body:
                raise ValueError('GET method cannot specify body')
        parsed = urlparse(self.url)
        if not parsed.scheme:
            raise ValueError('URL schema not specified') = parsed.scheme in ['https', 'wss']
We declare a Schema class that carries HTTP request information, define __validate__ functions in it, and perform some validation and assignment logic in it.

Other declaration methods

In the previous example, we only introduced the use of inheritance Schema to define dataclasses, in fact, there are two ways to declare dataclasses in utype.

  1. Inherit the base class of the predefined dataclass
  2. Make your own using @utype.dataclass decorators

Among them, utype currently provides the following predefined data base classes

  • DataClass: does not have any base class and supports logical operations
  • Schema: Inherited from dict dictionary class, providing all methods of attribute reading and writing and dictionary, and supporting logical operation

Let’s look at the way dataclasses are manufactured using @utype.dataclass decorators. Other predefined data base classes can be thought of as manufacturing with some decorator parameters fixed.

@utype.dataclass Decorator

We can use @utype.dataclass decorators to decorate a class to make it a dataclass, such as

import utype

class User:  
    name: str = utype.Field(max_length=10)  
    age: int

user = User(name='bob', age='18')
# > User(name='bob', age=18)

@utype.dataclass has some params to customize the generation behavior of the dataclass, including

  • no_parse: When enabled, data will not be parsed and verified, but only be mapped and assigned to the attribute. The default value is False.
  • post_init: a function is passed in and called after the __init__ function is completed. It can be used to write custom validation logic.
  • set_class_properties: Whether to reassign the class attribute corresponding to the field to one property, so as to obtain the parsing capability and protection of the field configuration during attribute assignment and deletion at runtime. The default is False.

We can intuitively compare the difference between whether it is enable set_class_properties or not.

import utype

class UserA:  
    name: str = utype.Field(max_length=10)  
    age: int

class UserB:  
    name: str = utype.Field(max_length=10)  
    age: int

# > <utype.parser.field.Field object>
# > <property object>

except AttributeError as e:
    AttributeError: type object 'UserA' has no attribute 'age'

# > <property object>

UserA with set_class_properties=False will not be affected. If you access it directly, you will get the corresponding attribute value. If the attribute value is not defined, an AttributeError will be thrown directly, which is consistent with the behavior of the ordinary class.

But when enabled set_class_properties=True, the class attributes will be re-assigned as an property instance, so that the assignment and deletion of the field attributes in the instance become controllable (perform type parsing at assignment, perform protection at deletion)

@utype.dataclass also provides some hook function params for attribute assignment and deletion

  • post_setattr: This function is called after the field attribute of the instance is assigned ( setattr), and some custom processing behaviors can be performed.
  • post_delattr: This function is called after the delete ( delattr) operation of the field property of the instance, and some custom processing behaviors can be performed.


you can only pass post_setattr or post_delattr when setting set_class_properties=True

@utype.dataclass also provides some dataclass function generation params, including

  • repr: provide __repr__ and __str__ methods so that you get a highly readable output when you use print(inst) or str(inst) repr(inst), displaying the fields and corresponding values. default is True.
  • contains: provide __contains__ function so that you can use name in instance to determine whether a field is in the dataclass, default is False
  • eq: provide __eq__ function so that two instances of the dataclass with identical data can use inst1 == inst2 to determine, default is False

There are also parameters that control the parser and parsing options.

  • parser_cls: Specifies the core parser class responsible for parsing class declarations and parsing data. The default is utype.parser.ClassParser.
  • options: Specify a Options instance to control parsing behavior

Logic operation

If you need to declare a dataclass to support logical operations, you need to use utype.LogicalMeta as the metaclass

import utype
from typing import Tuple

class LogicalUser(metaclass=utype.LogicalMeta):  
    name: str = utype.Field(max_length=10)  
    age: int

one_of_user = LogicalUser ^ Tuple[str, int]

print(one_of_user({'name': 'test', 'age': '1'}))
# > LogicalUser(name='test', age=1)

print(one_of_user([b'test', '1']))
# > ('test', 1)


dataclass that inherit from Schema or DataClass will directly gain the logicla operation ability, because their metaclass is utype.LogicalMeta already